I'm maintaining a quite large legacy application. The source tree is a real mess. I'm trying to set up a build server.
On the source tree, I've third party component with sources (also in the project's include path). These components are also installed within the IDE.
My question is : How to manage those components ?
I thought to manage this way:
What's the difference between having the components installed in the IDE and having the sources in the include path ? How the linker handle that case ?
-u"c:\Program files\Developer Express Inc\ExpressInplaceEditors\Delphi 5\Lib"
-u"c:\Program files\Developer Express Inc\ExpressQuantumGrid\Delphi 5\Lib"
-r"c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi5\Lib"
-r"C:\Program Files\jvcl\jvcl\resources"
-i"C:\Program Files\jvcl\jvcl\run"
-i"C:\Program Files\jvcl\jcl\source"
Note: we have a policy to compile to bin\dcu, exe to bin, hence the -N, -E directives.
@echo on
dcc32speed -B -Q -W -H -Nbin\dcu -Ebin BpABA.dpr
@echo off
SET %Drive%=E:
REM *************************************************
REM Clear files
REM *************************************************
ECHO. > "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
ECHO. > "%Temp%\TestRunLieven.txt"
REM *************************************************
REM Set start time
REM *************************************************
echo | TIME | FIND "Huidige tijd" > "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
REM *************************************************
REM Get latest versions
REM *************************************************
IF %LatestVersion%==1 CALL %Drive%\buildserver\latestversion.cmd
ECHO "Latest versions opgehaald" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
REM *************************************************
REM Build projects
REM *************************************************
CD %Drive%\Projects\
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
ECHO BpABA >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
CD %Drive%\Projects\BPABA\production
ECHO Building BPABA\production
CALL Build.cmd >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
CD %Drive%\Projects\BPABA\test
ECHO Building BPABA\test
CALL Build.cmd >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
CD %Drive%\Projects\BPABA\test\dunit
ECHO Building BPABA\test\dunit
CALL Build.cmd >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
ECHO BPABATests >> "%Temp%\TestRunLieven.txt"
ECHO Running BPABATests
CALL bin\BPABATests >> "%Temp%\TestRunLieven.txt"
CD %Drive%\Projects
ECHO. >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
ECHO. >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
ECHO. >> "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt"
REM *****************************************************************
REM Gather (Fatal)Errors/Hints/Warnings & Failures
REM *****************************************************************
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO (Fatal)Errors/Hints/Warnings en Failures >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Fatal errors during build >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND /c "Fatal:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Errors during build >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND /c "Error:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Warnings during build >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND /c "Warning:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Hints during build >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND /c "Hint:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Failures during test >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\TestRunLieven.txt" | FIND /c "Failures:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO. >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Controle #Projecten = #Compiles >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO #Projecten >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Drive%\buildserver\buildserverrun.cmd" | FIND /i "cmd >> " | FIND /i "Lieven" | FIND /i /v /c "FIND /i /v /c" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO #Compiles >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\buildLieven.txt" | FIND /i /c "dcc32" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO #Tests expected to run >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Drive%\buildserver\buildserverrun.cmd" | FIND /i "TestRunLieven" | FIND /i "CALL" | FIND /i /v /c "FIND /i /v /c" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO #Tests actually run >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\TestRunLieven.txt" | FIND /i /c "DUnit / Testing" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO. >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO. >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO Detail (Fatal)Errors/Hints/Warnings en Failures >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
ECHO ***************************************************************** >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND "Fatal:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND "Error:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND "Warning:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\BuildLieven.txt" | FIND "Hint:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
TYPE "%Temp%\TestRunLieven.txt" | FIND "Failures:" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
REM *************************************************
REM Set stop time
REM *************************************************
ECHO | TIME | FIND "Huidige tijd" >> "%Temp%\ResultLieven.txt"
REM *************************************************
REM Send results
REM *************************************************
CALL %drive%\buildserver\Blat.cmd