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deepcopy/clone derived class to base class

How can I clone (copy base class part) a derived class to base class.

In my case base class is a JPA entity and derived class have some stuff for swing/ui. I thought clone via gson/json serialization should work,but have different issue with that.

Base d=new Derived();
Base b=(Base) SerializationUtils.clone(d);
System.out.println(b.getClass().getSimpleName());   //-->Derived
   // -> refers to derived class

Is there any simple way other than manually copying all properties from derived to base?


  • Make sure all levels of the inheritance tree support the Java Beans API. Now you can write a certain-level cloner like this:

    public <T> T specialClone( T obj, Class<T> type ) {
        T result = type.newInstance();
        Class<?> current = type;
        while( current != null ) {
            BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo( current );
            for( PropertyDescriptor pd: info.getPropertyDescriptors() ) {
                Object value = pd.getReadMethod().invoke( obj );
                pd.getWriteMethod().invoke( result, value );
            current = current.getSuperClass();
        return result;

    Note that you might want to cache the read/write methods because the method calls are synchronized.

    When I do stuff like this, I usually examine the beans once and create helper objects that wrap the two methods so I can work like this:

    for( Helper h : get( current ) ) {
        h.copy( obj, result );
    public Helper[] get( Class<?> type ) {
        ... look in cache. If nothing there, create helper using  PropertyDescriptors.