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Monotouch/iOS: which place is the best one to unsubscribe the delegate

The best method in iOS to subscribe a event is ViewDidLoad, but when dismiss the view , the ViewDidUnload() is not called(only when the memory warning.)

Which place is the best to unsubscribe the event?

(In the subviewController I subscribe a event that reference the MainViewController, When open the subview twice, I receive two event trigger because the unsubscribe in viewdidunload() is never called.)

How about with subscribe/unsubscribe in ViewWillAppear/ViewWillDisapper?

    public override void ViewWillAppear (bool animated)
        base.ViewWillAppear (animated);

        this.mBL.OrderChanged += HandleOrderChanged;            

    public override void ViewWillDisappear (bool animated)
        base.VieWillDisappear (animated);
        if (this.mBL!=null)
          this.mBL.OrderChanged -= HandleOrderChanged;          


  • Use ViewDidLoad and ViewDidUnload, those are the appropriate places to subscribe/unsubscribe events from the UI.

    Here is a general article on memory management in iOS that I think applies here:

    Now, if you're not wanting to have the event run when your View is not visible, do something like this in the event handler:

    if (IsViewLoaded && View.Window != null) {
      //code here

    I've found this is the easiest way to tell if the view is on screen.