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Billiards game collision

I've choice to write a billiard game for class. All runs ok but I would like to improve realism to ball collisions.

For each ball I have a pygame rectangle, that means, ball center, ball diameter and position in game. And also a velocity vector (u_x, u_y).

At this time I check collision with colliderect, but I can change it measuring center balls distances.

I have read about Conservation of momentum equations but this not have ball positions in consideration. Is not the same two ball frontal impact than a lateral impact.

Someone can help to me in formula for new ball velocities after collision considering ball position at the impact moment. Thanks a lot!


  • The module euclid will help. It contains a vector class, that has normal(), dot(), etc... ( You can copy the module into your project folder, without needing to install. )

    For the formulas, check : , or

    Note: the more complicated your physics become, the more you need to use a physics engine, such as [enter link description here][pymunk] or ODE. But, it is a good learning experience.