It does this the majority of times, but not always, and I have been unable to establish a pattern for the few times it has not thrown the error. Additionally, it only does this for the first file it plays not for subsequent files. And it eludes Try catches for error handling.
Public Sub playSelected(ByVal fileStr As String)
If File.Exists(fileStr) Then
Debugging.DebugPrint(" Play: " & fileStr)
MediaPlayer.URL = fileStr
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Could Not play the selected File please try again. Exception : " + ex.Message)
End Try
Debugging.DebugPrint(" File Does not Exist: " & fileStr)
End If
End Sub
With credit to jornare for the information and push in the right direction I will explain my resolution, and the code behind it below, hope it helps.
First I had to modify the recommended answer, in a few distinct ways. The following two lines are declared in the class that calls the playSelected method above.
Public Declare Function SetErrorMode Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal uMode As System.UInt32) As System.UInt32
Private Const SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS As System.UInt32 = &H1
you'll see the addition of the Const variable named SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS, this is necessary to set the value of the variable to 1, in this case the name of the variable is very specific as it matches a flag var name in the SetErrorMode method, when set to true this flag disables CriticalErrors from showing. I also added the .dll ext to the Lib call, though it may not be necessary.
Below is my new playSelected method
Public Sub playSelected(ByVal fileStr As String)
If File.Exists(fileStr) Then
If isVista Then
End If
Debugging.DebugPrint(" Play: " & fileStr)
MediaPlayer.URL = fileStr
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Could Not play the selected File please try again. Exception : " + ex.Message)
End Try
If isVista Then
criticalFailureTimer.Interval = 2000
criticalFailureTimer.AutoReset = False
End If
Debugging.DebugPrint(" File Does not Exist: " & fileStr)
End If
End Sub
now this is important! Initially I SetErrorMode back to the oldErrMode after the call, but found this did not prevent the error. I set my VS in debug mode on my win7 machine and stepped through the code line by line. I found the code did not actually try to play the file until after the sub ended. This is why you see the timer calls. I set a 2 second timer to give myself a buffer so it could start the playing process with the Error Mode set correctly. below is the code I used for the timer elapsed event
'in my Constructor
If My.Computer.Info.OSFullName.Contains("Vista") Then
isVista = True
AddHandler criticalFailureTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf criticalTimerExpired
End If
'end of Constructor portion
Private Sub criticalTimerExpired(sender As Object, e As ElapsedEventArgs)
End Sub
One last caveat I will give for this. This process to my understanding disables Critical Errors from being displayed, so be careful, in my case I was unable to find any specific error or system instability caused by the error thrown, so I temporarily disable this to add to usability of the program. I do not recommend doing this everytime you have a system error as often that error points to a flaw/bug in the program that should be fixed. Additionally, in my opinion you should never need to turn off critical errors permanently, meaning make sure you turn them back on when you're done. I hope this information helps and appreciate the time and knowledge of those who answered or up-voted the question.
From what I find on the net it could be caused by a faulty WMP plugin, codek or display drivers. Found also that you should be able to suppress this error by calling the Windows API function SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS) before WMP starts loading the media file.
So, for Vb something like:
Private Declare Function SetErrorMode Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wMode As Long) As Long
'call it
Dim oldErrMode As Long
'Do your stuff here
'Set it back
SetErrorMode(oldErrMode )
I haven't tested this, so let me know if this helps.