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multiple where clauses in redbeanphp

I'm using readbeanphp as ORM for my php project. I'm trying to load a bean with an additional where clasue. But i'm not sure how to do this.

Normally i'd get a 'bean' like this:

$book = R::load('book', $id);

Which is basically like saying:

SELECT * FROM book WHERE id = '$id'

But i need to add another condition in the where clause:

SELECT * FROM book WHERE id = '$id' AND active = 1

How can i do this with redbeanphp?


  • RedBean_Facade::load is using for primary key only.

    if you want get beans by a complex query use

    R::find like,

    $needles = R::find('needle',' haystack = :haystack 
                                      ORDER BY :sortorder', 
        array( ':sortorder'=>$sortorder, ':haystack'=>$haystack ));

    Read more about R::find

    try to use getAll to write your query directly with parameters

    R::getAll( 'select * from book where 
    id= :id AND active = :act', 
    array(':id'=>$id,':act' => 1) );

    Read more about queries,