I have to bear with a Python version < 2.5 (it is 2.4.3 for specifics)
It seems that ternary operators were introduces in Python starting at 2.5. For those who are not familiar, ternary operators in Python >= 2.5 look like this:
def do_ternary(flag):
return "foo" if flag else "bar"
I'd like to know some solutions to emulate this in the early versions of Python. I can for sure do it with if ... else, but I'm looking for something more pythonic that I wouldn't be ashamed to put on some production-level code :)
Thanks for the help !
Actually I was looking on the web and found what seems like a really elegant pythonic solution:
def _if(test):
return lambda alternative: \
lambda result: \
[delay(result), delay(alternative)][not not test]()
def delay(f):
if callable(f): return f
else: return lambda: f
>>> fact = lambda n: _if (n <= 1) (1) (lambda: n * fact(n-1))
>>> fact(100)
What do you think about this one? It looks pretty clean and easy to read in my opinion.