I am just getting started with Solr and SolrNet. Before I go too far with my current project, I want to verify that I am on the right track. Here is what I am trying to achieve:
Basic Requirements:
So given that requirement, here is what I have done so far:
Here is what my DisMax search handler looks like:
<requestHandler name="DisMax" class="solr.SearchHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
<str name="defType">edismax</str>
<str name="qf">
car_name car_company car_model ship_name ship_company ship_model ship_sailing_route plane_name plane_company plane_model bicycle_name bicycle_company bicycle_model
<str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
<str name="rows">10</str>
<str name="fl">*,score</str>
<str name="facet">on</str>
<str name="facet.field">car_comapny</str>
<str name="facet.field">car_model</str>
<str name="facet.field">ship_name</str>
<str name="facet.field">ship_company</str>
<str name="facet.field">ship_sailing_route</str>
And finally, here are my questions:
I am sure I will have more questions as I work through my project, but for now this will do.
If you are going to have lots of items per type, splitting may be a wise idea (just for the sake of performance, nothing else). It also depends on the similarities and differences between the stuff you are trowing into the schema.
For example, bicicles, cars, ships, all have company, name, model, etc. in common, so you could have just name, model, company fields and then another one that says "vehicle_type".
If the variable fields (call them optionals) are just a few, you can have dynamic fields for those, so you don't need a rigid schema.
If you go with different indexes (and schemas), your query needs to be aware of all the different fields and schemas. Not to mention that to have this you need a multicore instance, and (AFAIK) you cannot send a query to several cores at once.
It depends on what queries you want to do. Say you want to search for vehicles whose name is "vairo" but the user doesn't specify if he wants bicicles or cars or whatever. You need to distribute your search to all different cores like
and then merge the results.
If you put everything on a single index, you could simply search q=name:vairo
. Then normally you would facet by "vehicle_type", telling the user that there are 1000 bicicles with that name, and a very few other vehicles. If the user now specifies "ok, gimme only the bicicles" you keep the query like before but add &fq=vehicle_type:bicicle.
This is far more convenient than handling the logic to which index you should query depending on the filter. Also merging results from more than one response is not trivial.
In our company we use a single solr for all categories. Obviously all of them have optionals not present on others (think Real estate vs vehicles). Some are handled with dynamic fields and some others with normal fields. SOLR is ok if you don't send something in the document.
For example:
all in a single index. As you may guess, when we index a document chances are than half of the fields will be empty (either it's a car or its a house). SOLR is absolutely ok with that both at query and index times.
So, to sum it up: