I have configured a Cisco voice gateway to use a Cisco ACS on a windows server 2003. Meanwhile, I have configured an external database through an ODBC connection with a MSSQL server. As mentioned in the TCLIVR document, I have to use a stored procedure on Mirosoft SQL server named CSNTAuthUserPap to respond to authorization request from voice gateway. The stored procedure has the following format:
@username varchar(64), @pass varchar(255)
SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = @username AND Returnparam = @pass )
SELECT 0,'1','1','No Error'
SELECT 3,0,'odbc','ODBC Authen Error'
My question is about reading parameters returned to the ACS server. Th returned record has the following format:
How can I read the Account Information returned by ACS in my TCL Code?
I found it. The answer lies in the AVPairs and creating custom avpairs. I must specify avpair for each group returned from the radius server and read them in the TCL code like this:
if { [infotag get aaa_avpair_exists h323-ivr-in] } {
set CustomerStatus [infotag get aaa_avpair h323-ivr-in]
foreach pairs [split $CustomerStatus] {
set value_list [split $pairs :]
set key [lindex $value_list 0]
set value [lindex $value_list 1]
if { $key == "contractType" } {
set contractType $value