This is a genuine question, not intended to start a flame war.
I've used Vim for over 10 years; watching people use Emacs/Slime ... has made me decide to learn Emacs/Slime.
I want to get up to speed as fast as quickly:
there are a bunch of "finger macros" I instinctively do -- I want to figure out the equivalent in Emacs/Slime & retrain myself
Since I'm familiar with Clojure, writing elisp config won't be a problem (minus the dynamic vars sometimes)
What should I be reading / memorizing?
EDIT: note, I have tried VimClojure, and decided I like Slime/Swank more.
When I learn a new editor (or tool of any kind), the moment I don't know how to do something (e.g. Save a File), I google up the answer, then do it, 3x over.
In Emacs, save a file is C-x C-s. Every time you cannot remember what it is, do it three times. It'll become second nature VERY quickly.
Never "cheat" because you're in a rush, or feeling lazy. Research each command as you need it, and repeat it until it becomes a "finger macro".