I am a newbie at iOS and an struggling with something related to with a split view controller.
I have a split view controller where the master is a navigationController, containing a tabBarController. The tabBarController has two tabs, each pointing to TableViewControllers in it's own navigationControllers.The detail view of the splitView is the splitViewDelegate.
The part where I am struggling is in the splitViewController-willHideViewController-withBarButtonItem-forPopoverController.
I want to set the title of the barButtomItem based on the title displayed in the master.
I would appreciate if anyone can help me figure this and maybe understand the missing pieces in the process.
Here is the code used to access the title of the master using the default split view controller project:
UINavigationController *nav = [[self.splitViewController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:0];
MasterViewController *master = (MasterViewController *)[nav topViewController];
barButtonItem.title = master.title;