Search code examples

Cant search with a different record of a database

I am new here and have been at this for ages and i cant solve the problem. I have the following code in my ShowAllReview Controller:

 public ActionResult Index(string Ordering, string WordFilter, string DisplaySearchResults, int? CounterForPage)
            using (var db = new gamezoneDBEntities())

                ViewBag.Message = TempData["message"];
                ViewBag.CurrentSort = Ordering;
                ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Ordering) ? "GameName" : "";
                ViewBag.DateSortParm = Ordering == "ReleaseYearOfGame" ? "DiscriptionOfGame" : "Date";

                    TempData["DisplaySearchResult"] = DisplaySearchResults;

               = DisplaySearchResults;
                    if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                        DisplaySearchResults = WordFilter;
                    else if (DisplaySearchResults == "")
                        ViewData["MyMessage"] = "Nothing Has Been Entered.";


                        CounterForPage = 1;

                    ViewBag.CurrentFilter = DisplaySearchResults;

                    var FullDatabaseItem = from b in db.tblReviews.Include(x => x.tblGame)
                                           select b;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplaySearchResults))

                        FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem.Include (x => x.tblGame)
                       .Where (b => b.Score.ToUpper().Contains(DisplaySearchResults.ToUpper()));


                    switch (Ordering)
                        case "HeadlineName":
                            FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem.OrderBy(b => b.Score);
                        case "DatePosted":
                            FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem.OrderBy(b => b.Recomendation);
                        case "DiscriptionDate":
                            FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem.OrderBy(b => b.Recomendation);
                            FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem.OrderByDescending(b => b.Recomendation);

                    int pageSize = 3;
                    int pageNumber = (CounterForPage ?? 1);
                    var PageNumberResults = FullDatabaseItem.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
                    ViewBag.PageNumberResults = FullDatabaseItem.Count();
                    if (PageNumberResults.Any())

                        return View(PageNumberResults);

                    return View("ErrorView");

as you can see i have added this code:

var FullDatabaseItem = from b in db.tblReviews.Include(x => x.tblGame)select b;

With out the include on the reviews table the view would throw up the following error:

The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.

Now the problem is with this line of code:

FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem.Include (x => x.tblGame)
                        .Where (b => b.Score.ToUpper().Contains(DisplaySearchResults.ToUpper()));

am trying to get the game name so when the user is using my search he can obtain a record buy just typing in the name of the game. But as you can see the field being searched is "Score" which is the tblReview field as the field i need "GameName" will not work in there as it says it does not exsit.

I need help in solving the problem

Any more information you require please ask me and i shall provide

Thank You


  • Your entity model has a navigation property from tblReview to tblGame, correct? So you have an entity that looks something like this?

    public class tblReview
        public virtual tblGame tblGame { get; set; }
        // other properties

    Is this relationship bi-directional or uni-directional? Meaning, does your tblGame class have a tblReviews collection property like this?

    public class tblGame
        public virtual ICollection<tblReview> tblReviews { get; set; }
        // other properties

    If so, then you have a bi-directional association, and you can search fields in one entity from fields in the other entity.

    Say for example you want to display a list of reviews for a game with a certain name. You can do that like so:

    string gameName = "Pac-Man";
    using (var db = new gamezoneDBEntities())
        // get reviews for game named pac-man
        var reviews = db.tblReviews.Include(r => r.tblGame)
            .Where(r => r.tblGame.GameName.Equals(gameName, 
        // get game with reviews scored greater than 4
        var games = db.tblGames.Include(g => g.tblReviews)
            .Where(g => g.tblReviews.Any(r => r.Score > 4));

    So ultimately, I think this is what you are after:

    var FullDatabaseItem = db.tblReviews.Include(g => g.tblGame);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplaySearchResults))
        FullDatabaseItem = FullDatabaseItem
            .Where(review => review.tblGame.GameName.Contains(DisplaySearchResults));

    I don't think you need to convert the strings to upper in order to do a case-insensitive match when using .Contains(). Searches for "pAC-mAN" should still return games named "Pac-Man".