I have a before_filter
on my ApplicationController
class and I want to write a test for it? Where should I write this test into? I do not want to go into every subclass controller test file and repeat the test about this filter.
Hence, what is the recommended way to test ApplicationController
Note that I am using Rails 3.2.1
with minitest
My case is slightly different than yours, but I needed to do something similar to test authentication across the site (with Devise). Here's how I did it:
# application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :authenticate_user!
# application_controller_test.rb
require 'test_helper'
class TestableController < ApplicationController
def show
render :text => 'rendered content here', :status => 200
class ApplicationControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
tests TestableController
context "anonymous user" do
setup do
get :show
should redirect_to '/users/sign_in'
If there's specific controllers that need to skip the before filter I'll have a test to make sure they skip it in the specific controller's tests. This isn't quite your situation as I'm interested in the effect of the method, not just knowing it was invoked, but I thought I'd share in case you found it useful.