How to make objects move in circular motion from (startX,startY) to (destinationX, destinationY) with some aberration using TweenLite [actionscript 3 library]?
You should be able to set a circular motion using the CirclePath2D plugin and maybe offset the location a bit with an onUpdate
The bit that sounds confusing is
from (startX,startY) to (destinationX, destinationY)
because if you move in a circular motion, at some point you end where you started from. if you start from one position and end in another, you might move on a curve, in which case you want to have a look at the BezierThroughPlugin.
Still, it's fairly straight forward to animate on a circle path with an onEnterFrame loop and you can easily change the circle into an oval for example or randomly offset the path a bit. Normally you'd need to convert from polar to cartesian coordinates:
x = cos(angle) * radius
y = sin(angle) * radius
but Point's polar() method already does that for you:
var speed:Number = 0;//how fast to move around the circle
var spread:Number = 20;//how far away from the centre
var b:Sprite = addChild(new Sprite()) as Sprite;;,-3,3);;
function update(event:Event):void{
speed += .1;//update the 'angle' , .1 is the increment/speed at which b spins
var distance:Number = spread + (Math.random() * 10 - 5);//spread + random 'aberration'
var offset:Point = Point.polar(distance,speed);//convert from angle/radius to x,y
b.x = mouseX + offset.x;
b.y = mouseX + offset.y;