Does anyone know any c++/opengl sourcecode demos for 2D rigid body physics using runge kutta?
I want to build a physics engine but I need some reference code to understand better how others have implemented this.
There are a lot of things you have to take care to do this nicely. I will focus on the integrator implementation and what I have found works good for me.
For all the degrees of freedom in your system implement a function to return the accelerations a
as a function of time t
, positions x
and velocities v
. This should operate on arrays or vectors of quantities and not just scalars.
a = accel(t,x,v);
After each RK
step evaluate the acceleration to be ready for the next step. In the loop then do this:
// assume t,x[],v[], a[] are known
// step time t -> t+h and calc new values
float h2=h/2;
vec q1 = v + h2*a;
vec k1 = accel(t+h2, x+h2*v, q1);
vec q2 = v + h2*k1;
vec k2 = accel(t+h2, x+h2*q1, q2);
vec q3 = v + h*k2;
vec k3 = accel(t_h, x+h*q2, q3);
float h6 = h/6;
t = t + h;
x = x + h*(v+h6*(a+k1+k2));
v = v + h6*(a+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
a = accel(t,x,v);
Why? Well the standard RK
method requires you to make a 2xN
state vector, but the derivatives of the fist N
elements are equal to the last N
elements. If you split the problem up to two N
state vectors and simplify a little you will arrive at the above scheme for 2nd order RK
I have done this and the results are identical to commercial software for a plan system with N=6
degrees of freedom.