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Get a string that represents a user's CanCan abilities

I want to cache a Post view, but the view depends on the permissions of the current user (e.g., I only show the "edit" link if current_user.can?(:edit, @post))

So I'd like my cache key to include a representation of the current user's CanCan abilities, so that I can invalidate the cache when the user's abilities change

SO: how can I get a string that represents the current user's abilities such that 2 different users with the same abilities will generate the same "ability string"?

I've tried user.ability.inspect, but this doesn't produce the same string for different users who have the same abilities


  • EDIT: revised for CanCanCan

    As of version 1.12 of CanCanCan (the community continuation of CanCan), returns a hash with all permissions for the given user.

    Previous answer (CanCan):

    This might be a little complex...but here it goes..

    If you pass the specified User into the Ability model required by CanCan, you can access the definition of that users role using instance_variable_get, and then break it down into whatever string values you want from there..

    >> a.instance_variable_get("@rules").collect{ 
          |rule| rule.instance_variable_get("@actions").to_s
    => ["read", "manage", "update"]

    if you want to know the models in which those rules are inflicted upon, you can access the @subjects instance variable to get its name..

    here is the model layout for Ability from which I worked with (pp)

    Ability:0x5b41dba @rules=[
          User(role: string)]>, 
          Encounter(id: integer)]>, 
          User(role: string)]>