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Best way to detect whether code is running in an application server java

For a J2EE bean I am reusing code that was developed for a java swing application. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() is unfortunately commonly used. Most occurences luckily in code sections that are not reused by the J2EE application, but in some cases lower levels of the code has instances of JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(). Obviously this it results in dialog boxes popping up on the server, which is what I want to avoid.

As a first step I'd like to somehow assure that no dialog boxes will ever occur on the server.

Someone suggested peeking in some event or paint queue (I do not recall which one): That would be:

// old code: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(msg);
if ( someEventQueue.size() == 0 ) // <== consider this pseudo-code
  Log.log(msg); // I am running on a server. Tell the log.
  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(msg); // I have a user made of meat. Tell him!

I never really got that working. What would you do?


  • Make sure the server is started with

    java -Djava.awt.headless=true

    Most servers should be started that way by default. Then you can check:

    boolean headless_check = GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless();

    More details on headless available here: