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How to get Jetty to use JVM scoped JNDI?

I'm trying to setup a JNDI resource for a Jackrabbit repository factory in Jetty. The problem is that I seem to be getting thhe JNDI as webapp scoped. I need it to be JVM scoped. As far as I understood from the docs, you need to specify a null arg as shown below (<Arg></Arg>) in order to do so (explained here).

I have two webapps deployed to Jetty and I need them to be sharing the same JNDI. If they're not sharing it, Jackrabbit tries to get initialized twice and fails which breaks my whole app.

I ran the code through a debugger and I can see that the first webapp that gets accessed and needs a JNDI lookup for the Jackrabbit repository, gets an instance of the BindableRepositoryFactory and correctly adds records to the cache object. However, a completely different object is created for the cache upon JNDI lookup. That is obviously still empty and thus a new instance gets created, which screws things up.

I am using Jetty 7.6.2.v20120308. Here's my jetty-jndi.xml:

<New class="">
        <New class="javax.naming.Reference" id="reference">
            <Call name="add" id="reference">
                    <New class="javax.naming.StringRefAddr">
                        <Arg><SystemProperty name="jetty.home" default="."/>/jackrabbit/repository.xml</Arg>
            <Call name="add" id="reference">
                    <New class="javax.naming.StringRefAddr">
                        <Arg><SystemProperty name="jetty.home" default="."/>/jackrabbit</Arg>

In the pom file where I'm invoking jetty from, I have the following relevant settings that tell Jetty to use the JNDI and Plus settings xml-s:


In the jetty-plus.xml I have:

<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- Sequence of configurations to defining Plus features.       -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<Array id="plusConfig" type="java.lang.String">
    <Item></Item>        <!-- Add for JNDI -->
    <Item></Item>       <!-- Add for JNDI -->
    <Item>org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.TagLibConfiguration</Item>          <!-- Not needed for Jetty-8 -->

<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- Apply plusConfig to all webapps for this Server             -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<Call name="setAttribute">
        <Ref id="plusConfig"/>

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Many thanks in advance! :)


  • This appears to be a bug in Jetty's global JNDI resource configuration.

    I have filed a bug in Jetty's bugzilla and will accept this answer as correct, despite the fact it is no solution.