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GWT's class similar to AWT Desktop?

Here is a little snippet of what I need to do:

if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported())
    final Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
    try{ File(path));
    catch (final IOException e)
     MessageBox.alert("Log View", "Error finding file", null);

I need to open a file in the logged in users default desktop application for that file type. Maven is giving me issues on build saying it can't find and java.awt.Desktop.

Kind of a 2 part question, first, does GWT have some sort of similar functionality to java.awt.Desktop and how do I fix the project so maven finds the io and awt files?


  • To get the same effect as a JButton calling Desktop in HTML, you would provide an HTML button that links to a download of the file and ensure it has the correct content-type provided by the server.