I use OMAP-L138 Exp Kit. First please look at my U-boot properties.
There they are:
U-Boot > printenv
bootcmd=run netboot
netboot=tftpboot 0xc0700000 uImage-da850-omapl138-evm.bin; bootm 0xc0700000
bootargs=console=ttyS2,115200n8 mem=64M root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= ip=
netargs=console=ttyS2,115200n8 noinitrd rw mem=64M root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=,nolock ip=
ver=U-Boot 2009.11 (Jan 13 2011 - 01:05:37)
Environment size: 728/65532 bytes
In setup.sh of DVSDK I used next parameters: board memory 64 mb, Linux kernel location - TFTP, root file system location - NFS. Making of DVSDK was succesfull. I made install in c6accel_1_01_00_07 directory too.
root@my_name-desktop:/usr/local/dvsdk/c6accel_1_01_00_07# make install
Creating /home/my_name/targetfs/c6accel_app
Copying kernel modules to target file system: /home/my_name/targetfs/c6accel_app/
Copying cmemk.ko
Copying dsplinkk.ko
Copying c6accel codec servers from /usr/local/dvsdk/c6accel_1_01_00_07
Copying c6accel test app from /usr/local/dvsdk/c6accel_1_01_00_07
Copying testfile from /usr/local/dvsdk/c6accel_1_01_00_07
Now I want to execute the C6accel sample. So I reset target. Oh no what is it?
CMEM Range Overlaps Kernel Physical - allowing overlap
CMEM phys_start (0xc2000000) overlaps kernel (0xc0000000 -> 0xc4000000)
CMEMK Error: Failed to request_mem_region(0xc2000000, 18874368)
FATAL: Error inserting cmemk (/lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/dsp/cmemk.ko): Bad address
Ok. I ignore it and enter login.
root@arago:/c6accel_app# ls
benchmarking.txt dsplinkk.ko
c6accel_app loadmodules_omapl138_c6accel.sh
c6accel_omapl138.x674 test_files
root@arago:/c6accel_app# ./loadmodules_omapl138_c6accel.sh
CMEMK module: built on Apr 12 2012 at 17:32:52
Reference Linux version 2.6.37
File /usr/local/dvsdk/linuxutils_2_26_02_05/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.c
CMEM Range Overlaps Kernel Physical - allowing overlap
CMEM phys_start (0xc2000000) overlaps kernel (0xc0000000 -> 0xc4000000)
CMEMK Error: Failed to request_mem_region(0xc2000000, 18874368)
FATAL: Error inserting cmemk (/lib/modules/2.6.37/kernel/drivers/dsp/cmemk.ko): Bad address
Ooops! Again same error!
In the file loadmodules_omapl138_c6accel.sh I modified only one string
modprobe cmemk phys_start=0xC2000000 phys_end=0xC3200000 pools=20x4096 allowOverlap=1
So, finnaly I have
modprobe cmemk phys_start=0xC4000000 phys_end=0xC5200000 pools=20x4096 allowOverlap=1
Saved it. Attempt 2.
root@arago:/c6accel_app# ./loadmodules_omapl138_c6accel.sh
CMEMK module: built on Apr 12 2012 at 17:32:52
Reference Linux version 2.6.37
File /usr/local/dvsdk/linuxutils_2_26_02_05/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.c
allocated heap buffer 0xc5000000 of size 0x11ec000
cmemk initialized
Success! Then I ran ./c6accel_app
I was happy to see
Test for Arithmetic RTS functions successful
All tests done.
libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work
But early....
root@arago:/c6accel_app# ls
Segmentation fault
Something broke. It has totally broken. What should I do in this case? Thank you.
Casket easily opened....
Device has 64 mb of RAM. By this command
bootargs=console=ttyS2,115200n8 mem=64M root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= ip=
I simply say "Ok, kernel, take it all. It is all for you"
So... I got what I wanted: 32 mb - for kernel. Other 32 mb for CMEM. No segmentation faults more.