I have a program which produces a series of functions f
and g
which looks like the following:
step (f,g) = (newF f g, newG f g)
newF f g x = r (f x) (g x)
newG f g x = s (f x) (g x)
foo = iterate step (f0,g0)
Where r and s are some uninteresting functions of f x
and g x
. I naively hoped that having foo
be a list would mean that when I call the n'th f
it will not recompute the (n-1)th f
if it has already computed it (as would have happened if f
and g
weren't functions). Is there any way to memoize this without ripping the whole program apart (e.g. evaluating f0
and g0
on all relevant arguments and then working upward)?
You may find Data.MemoCombinators useful (in the data-memocombinators package).
You don't say what argument types your f
and g
take --- if they both takes integral values then you would use it like this:
import qualified Data.MemoCombinators as Memo
foo = iterate step (Memo.integral f0, Memo.integral g0)
If required, you could memoise the output of each step as well
step (f,g) = (Memo.integral (newF f g), Memo.integral (newG f g))
I hope you don't see this as ripping the whole program apart.
In reply to your comment:
This is the best I can come up with. It's untested, but should be working along the right lines.
I worry that converting between Double
and Rational
is needlessly inefficient --- if there was a Bits
instance for Double
we could use Memo.bits
instead. So this might not ultimately be of any practical use to you.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator, (%))
memoV :: Memo.Memo a -> Memo.Memo (V a)
memoV m f = \(V x y z) -> table x y z
where g x y z = f (V x y z)
table = Memo.memo3 m m m g
memoRealFrac :: RealFrac a => Memo.Memo a
memoRealFrac f = Memo.wrap (fromRational . uncurry (%))
((numerator &&& denominator) . toRational)
A different approach.
You have
step :: (V Double -> V Double, V Double -> V Double)
-> (V Double -> V Double, V Double -> V Double)
How about you change that to
step :: (V Double -> (V Double, V Double))
-> (V Double -> (V Double, V Double))
step h x = (r fx gx, s fx gx)
where (fx, gx) = h x
And also change
foo = (fst . bar, snd . bar)
where bar = iterate step (f0 &&& g0)
Hopefully the shared fx
and gx
should result in a bit of a speed-up.