I followed an example of expander in wpf. Works fine but old bullet is still showing besise the new bullet. The code is as follows:
<Expander Name="ExpanderControl"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Background="LavenderBlush"
ExpandDirection="Down" IsExpanded="False" Width="250"
FontSize="20" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="Green" >
<Image Width="50" Source="Flowers.jpg"/>
<TextBlock Margin="20,0,0,0">Flower Header</TextBlock>
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" FontSize="14" FontWeight="Light" Foreground="Black">
This is an Expander control. Within this control, all contents will be wrapped.
At run-time, you may expand or collapse this control. Type more text here to be
Jump around and hype.
I found a workarround it.
<Image Width="50" Source="Flowers.jpg" Margin="-20,0,0,0"/>
Put a margin of -20 of according to your need and it will cover the old bullet. I know it is not the right way for doing it but it worked for me.