If users experience an exception in UAT they'll log a bug in TFS, eg:
public void TopLevelExceptionHandler(Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Settings.Default.TFSBugReportingURL + ex);
http://tfsportal/CompanyName/ProjectName/_layouts/tswa/UI/Pages/WorkItems/WorkItemEdit.aspx?wit=Bug&[System Info]=
See the wit
query string parameter (a.k.a Work Item Type), where is
the reference to these query string parameters for this WorkItemEdit.aspx page?
I'm trying to set the AssignedTo field.
EDIT: This is how you set the free text Title field and the drop down list priority field:
I just cannot work out the AssignedTo field? I'd also like to know how to access the [Steps to Reproduce] field.
I looked through the SDK, and stumbled up on it: &[Assigned to]=THOMPSON, Jeremy&
There is an easy way to get the url for the work item template. When you create a new work item in Team System Web Access, there is a button available "Copy Template URL" to get the url that reflects the changes you made to the work item.
As usual Ewald is to the rescue, unfortunately my screen doesn't have the "Copy Template URL" button:
The solution for me to see the hidden "Copy Template URL" button was in the URL I used:
http://tfsportal/CompanyName/ProjectName/_layouts/tswa/UI/Pages/WorkItems/WorkItemEdit.aspx <- doesn't show the button.
http://tfs.CompanyNameURL:8080/tfs/web/wi.aspx? <- does show the button