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Replace a href with a js function call

I want to replace an url in a href with a call of a function that needs to include the url.

example: I have the following string:

<a href="">Google</a>
some other text
<a href="">Wikipedia</a>

I want to get back a string like this:

<a href="javascript:anyFunction('');">Google</a>
some other text
<a href="javascript:anyFunction('')">Wikipedia</a>

I have tested some ways with RegEx, but I'm not good with RegEx. Does anyone have a solution for my problem?

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to write. I'm building an appcelator application. I can't use jQuery or "document". I think the only way is a RegEx.


  • Give this regex a try:


    Here is a sample of its usage (JsFiddle Demo)

    var subject = '<a href="">Google</a>some other text<a href="">Wikipedia</a>';
    var result = subject.replace(/href="([^"]+)/g, 'href="javascript:anyFunction(\'$1\')');