So, my question is very strait forward, I have a single variable, per say 4, and I need to translate it to some kind of rating, very simple ( it goes from 1 to 5 ) without half stars or anything.
I need to display a rating out of a number which goes from one to five, so if I have 1 I will have a star, if I have 5 I will have five stars. I can do a for loop and display the images, but I also need to show the empty ( not rated ) star. I don't need any functionality to it, so you cannot actually rate, just show the ratings.
So because anyone is asking what I've tried, I haven't tried anything because I don't know where to begin.
I could do this to show a number of stars based on the variable I have ( which is a number from 1 -> 5 ):
$ratings = 3;
for( $i = 1; $i <= $ratings; $i++)
echo '<img src="some_image.png" />';
This would be it, but what should I do for the non-rated starts, how do I display the rest of the empty stars till five ?
you can do an nested for loop like so:
echo "<img src='yourFullStars.png'/>";
echo "<img src='yourEmptyStars.png'/>";
or you could do two separate for loops:
echo "<img src='yourFullStars.png'/>";
echo "<img src='yourEmptyStars.png'/>";
... or any number of things, really.