I have a list of strings that presents name of categories that a film belongs to. I make a class define that list, implement List<String> and IComparable interface, in order to use in PivotViewerStringProperty as below:
public class SLCategoryList : List<String>, IComparable
public int CompareTo(object obj)
return this[0].CompareTo((obj as SLCategoryList)[0]);
The point here is a film should belong to many categories, and I want a sorting strategy so it can make pivotviewer and sort a database of films by each category. Therefore, it should show the same film at two or more categories at once when the application is running.
What sorting strategy should I use?
Let's assume we have some movie meta data:
class MovieMetaData
public string Title { get; set; }
public List<string> Categories { get; set; }
IEnumerable<MovieMetaData> movies = /* Some initialization. */;
I would group my movies in one of two (very similar) ways:
var categories = movies.SelectMany(m => m.Categories).Distinct();
var groups = categories
.Select(c => Tuple.Create(c, movies
.Where(m => m.Categories.Contains(c))
.OrderBy(m => m.Title)));
foreach (var category in groups)
Console.WriteLine("Category: {0}", category.Item1);
foreach (var movie in category.Item2)
Or, group the categories rather than using distinct (though I feel distinct in this case is cleaner - note I end up having to distinct the titles anyway):
var categories = movies.SelectMany(m => m.Categories);
var groups = categories
.Select(c => Tuple.Create(c, movies
.Where(m => m.Categories.Contains(c))
.OrderBy(m => m.Title)))
.GroupBy(g => g.Item1);
foreach (var category in groups)
Console.WriteLine("Category: {0}", category.Key);
foreach (var movie in category.SelectMany(c => c.Item2).Select(m => m.Title).Distinct())
(Note: here I have suggested a different approach. It may not work with what you are trying to do, but I feel I would need more information to give a better answer.)