Using Ruby (newb) and Regex, I'm trying to parse the street number from the street address. I'm not having trouble with the easy ones, but I need some help on:
'6223 1/2 S FIGUEROA ST' ==> 'S FIGUEROA ST'
Thanks for the help!!
'6223 1/2 2ND ST' ==> '2ND ST'
and from @pesto '221B Baker Street' ==> 'Baker Street'
This will strip anything at the front of the string until it hits a letter:
street_name = address.gsub(/^[^a-zA-Z]*/, '')
If it's possible to have something like "221B Baker Street", then you have to use something more complex. This should work:
street_name = address.gsub(/^((\d[a-zA-Z])|[^a-zA-Z])*/, '')