I am using first time Aweber.I am stuck at some point when I used Aweber API.Below are steps to explain my issue:
I created an account on Aweber labs and created application there. I also retrieved Consumer Key , Application Id and Consumer Secret from there and put in my demo.php .
When I run this file I had a form with login/password:
Please see this below url :
Now my question is which account's user/pass need to write here. I tried with Aweber lab account details which showing "Notice: Invalid credentials - please retry".
Should I go there "https://www.aweber.com/order.htm" and create paid account to fill there.
Please give your suggestions asap.
With Regards
The AWeber docs are mindbogglingly poor. I don't even understand why they have an API: your app and your keys have nothing to do with accessing any user's data. They just prove to AWeber that yes, you are a developer.... but so what? You want to access USER data (e.g. their lists and subscribers), and that requires a paid account that you can access. From everything I can tell, the AWeber API merely lets you recreate the standard login form from https://www.aweber.com/login.htm on your site.
If you can add the oAuth tokens to your code, that would allow you to retrieve data for a given user, but I don't see any examples in the docs of how to do that, or any explanations that "oh yeah, by the way, AWeber handles this completely differently than any other email company out there." So good luck.