'text' may be deprecated because receiver type is unknown in ZXingWidgetController.m
[self presentResultForString:[twoDResult text]];
please help
[self presentResultPoints:[twoDResult points] forImage:image usingSubset:subset];
[self performSelector:@selector(alertDelegate:) withObject:[[twoDResult text] copy] afterDelay:0.0];
decoder.delegate = nil;
See Issue 1198.
This was closed as CannotReproduce because I haven't been able to, well, reproduce it.
The comments indicate that it might not be an issue in svn or even in the 2.0 release. (But I haven't been able to figure out what "code modernizer" means.)
The github repo you mention hasn't been updated in years. You're probably better off using https://github.com/zxing/zxing which is updated automatically from svn every few minutes.