Really quick (but complicated?) question.
I have this:
<select multiple="multiple" id="id_products" class="selectmultiple" name="products">
<option value="3243">testproductP (3243)</option>
<option value="3244">testproductQ (3244)</option>
I need to robotframework with selenium to replicate that I select an option. However I can not find a keyword like "Select Option". So I tried using "Click Element" with an xpath pointing to the option.
Click Element xpath=//select[@name="products"]/option[@value=3244]
However this fails the test with the error: "timeout: timed out"
The xpath returns the correct element, but somehow it times out. Maybe Click Element is not supposed to be used like this, but I can't find a better keyword.
Any idea what's going on?
Click Element waits for a page load event unless you give it an additional parameter telling it not to wait. However, you should also be able to use the "Select From List" keyword.
Have fun!