I'm using SQL Server and creating a script which will get the workers geographical location out of my database. The script is below.
SELECT w.display_name, w.geo_location
INNER JOIN workers w WITH(NOLOCK) ON w.worker_id = j.worker_id
WHERE .....
The problem is that I want to add GROUP BY w.display_name, w.geo_location
to the script as there are duplicate records being shown. Added a column with the data type geography to a group by clause causes an error to be thrown.
The error being thrown when I add this in is:
The type "geography" is not comparable. It cannot be used in the GROUP BY clause.
Is there a way around this? I cannot convert w.geo_location
as it is needed in the geography data type.
You can use row_number()
something like this.
declare @g geography;
set @g = geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656)', 4326);
declare @T table
(display_name varchar(10), geo_location geography)
insert into @T values ('1', @g)
insert into @T values ('1', @g)
insert into @T values ('1', @g)
insert into @T values ('2', @g)
insert into @T values ('2', @g)
select display_name, geo_location
select *,
row_number() over(partition by display_name, geo_location.ToString() order by (select 0)) as rn
from @T
) as T
where rn = 1
display_name geo_location
------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 0xE610000001148716D9CEF7D34740D7A3703D0A975EC08716D9CEF7D34740CBA145B6F3955EC0
2 0xE610000001148716D9CEF7D34740D7A3703D0A975EC08716D9CEF7D34740CBA145B6F3955EC0