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Ignore IgnoreAttribute

We have MSTest tests which automatically run in hourly production. One of these tests is marked with [Ignore] attribute because it is not yet ready to run it in our production environment.
Now I want to start that test (only) on my local environment because my local environment is ready for that test.
I try to run that test by clicking on ReSharper's icon on the left side of test code or by clicking Run Selected Tests icon in Unit Test Sessions window and nothing happens.

I fix it currently by commenting out the [Ignore] line. But now I need to be aware to remove the comment characters (//) before checking-in the code.

Is there another way to temporarly run an [Ignore]'d test ?


  • Recently when I have encountered problems such as this, I add a new Build Configuration to the visual studio project named something such as "Local Developer Debug" and use the settings from the existing Debug configuration. Then I go to "Project -> MyProjectName Properties -> Build", make sure "Local Developer Debug" is the selected configuration and add "LOCALDEVBUILD" to "Conditional compliation symbols". This allows for the use of preprocessor directives to 'toggle' code at compile time:


    Not sure if this is what you're looking for... but it allows you to run/utilize specific code depending on the intentions of the build (via the build configuration)... With this method you can leave the test ignored for more 'official' builds, but still execute it at your leisure if you so desire.