I have problem with me51n. I have an include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 that has a bunch of codes which we use it to receive errors. The problem of mine is;
-When i run me51n with required datas(mat. number, quantity, etc.) I get some errors which also includes the error that I'm expecting on the first time, however when i terminate me51n and run it again with the same exact data, i dont get my error. I have debugged it and put a break point on my include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 and it never gets to my breakpoint on the second run. (It gets to the breakpoint on the first run but not the second one).
I dont know how but with the same material it works fine later again at the first time but still on the second time i cant get the error again.
Can anyone please help me on this?
Basically problem was the developement system from the beginning (sigh -_-). While having other errors rather than my errors, i assume my error gets stuck sometimes and never pop up because of the standard SAP procedure. So in test system (QA) me51n works perfectly when I'm just trying to have only my error.
Thanks for anyone who actually tried to help and I hope this might be useful sometime for someone in future.