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Portable PHP Debug

I'm using XAMPP Lite for USB Drive. I also found fully functional Netbeans portable version.

The problem is I can't install XDebug because of path problem. For ex. on my local PC server PHP.ini configuration file looks like that

zend_extension = "C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
xdebug.profiler_enable = On 
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = C:\Windows\temp 

As you see, all paths are absolute; I mean with drive letter. But I can't write absolute paths for USB flash drive.

My questions are:

  1. Is there any way to get work xDebug with Xammp Lite on USB flash drive?
  2. Any alternative debugger which works portable?


  • Your best option may be to have a little batch script to automatically always assign the same drive letter when load it up in Windows. You can make this an auto-run from the USB drive itself - so that it's entirely portable.

    Your script should look something like this:

    @echo off
    set NewLetter=X
    @REM Find the (USB) drive with the flagfile "USB.root" and change its drive letter to "%NewLetter%"
    @REM Abort if %NewLetter% already exist
    if exist %NewLetter%: goto END_USB_DRIVE
    if not exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\DISKPART.EXE" goto END_USB_DRIVE
    @REM Find the drive with the flag file and set %_USBroot% to the old letter
    for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z) do (
    if exist %%i:\USB.root set _USBroot=%%i:
    @REM Abort if no Drive with the flag file has been found
    if "%_USBroot%" == "" goto END_USB_DRIVE
    @REM Create the script file for DiskPart.exe on the USB-drive
    echo select volume %_USBroot<> "%_USBroot%\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"
    echo assign letter=%NewLetter<>> "%_USBroot%\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"
    @REM Do the change -> %NewLetter%
    DISKPART /S "%_USBroot%\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"
    if exist "%NewLetter%:\ChangeDrvLetter.txt" del "%NewLetter%:\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"

    The above example was lifted from here - and you'll find a couple other examples there as well: