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Dynamic object allocation and property access

I am developing one wcf client application. here i have 7 different requests.

is there any way to do like below demo code?

T obj =new anyobject ;



My deserialise function as below:

public static T DeSeriableXMLToObject<T>(string xml)
// process for derisialising

i think , we can do this by dynamic in dot net. but i am new to this dynamic concept . could anyone help me out?


  • i have solved my problem like below.

    dynamic obj= new anyobject();

    my deserialise function as like this;

    dynamic DeSeriableXMLToObject(string xml,dynamic obj1) { 
    Byte[] _bytes = (new UTF8Encoding()).GetBytes(xml);
    DataContractSerializer datacontractser = new DataContractSerializer(obj.GetType ());
            object deserialized = _datacontractser .ReadObject(new MemoryStream(_bytes));
            return deserialized;