Is it possible to make a python script that will delete the .py file at the end of its execution (self-delete) in windows?
I'm not sure deleting a file while it's in memory would be a good idea. Try running a batch file from the script which closes the script process, then deletes the script file.
There may be a native method to self destruct a script, but I am not aware of it.
EDIT: Here is a simple example of how you could accomplish this using the method I described:
In the script
# C:\
import os
In the batch
# C:\sampleBatch.bat
TASKKILL /IM "process name" #For me, this was "ipy64.exe" because I use IronPython.
DEL "C:\"
You may not even need to kill the process to delete the file, but it is safer to do so. Hope this helps.