I need to process events coming from the EventLog. This is easy using the EventLogWatcher attaching to the EventRecordWritten event. However the query I am interested in (eventid == 299 || eventid == 500) provides more events than what I need. Here is an example of the stream
Event ID Correlation ID
299 1AD... (this is actually a guid) X1
500 1AD... X2
500 1AD...
500 1AD...
299 43B... Y1
299 EDB... Z1
500 43B... Y2
500 EDB... Z2
500 43B...
500 43B...
I am interested in the event 299 and the first event 500 that matches the correlation id of the 299 event. I marked them in the stream above, that's the output collection I am interested in: [X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2]
which probably is a dictionary using the correlation id as a key and a tuple of EventRecord
as the value
{ 1AD.., <X1, X2> }
{ 43B.., <Y1, Y2> }
{ EDB.., <Z1, Z2> }
In general events might come in order (299 and then 500) but in a high concurrency situation I foresee two 299 events coming together and then the 500 events so I don't want to rely on the order the events come. The correlation id is the key to correlate them (which is the first property of the event eventRecord.Properties[0]
I think this can be solved with a state machine but it would be interesting to see if anyone comes up with a solution with Rx represented by a query to an observable. That would keep the pattern matching logic in a single place.
UPDATE: here is the answer to the solution. Thanks Gideon it was exactly the starting point I needed!
var pairs = events
.Where(e299 => e299.EventArgs.EventRecord.Id == 299)
.SelectMany(e299 => events.Where(e500 => e500.EventArgs.EventRecord.Id == 500 &&
e299.EventArgs.EventRecord.Properties[0].Value.ToString() ==
(e299, e500) => new { First = e299, Second = e500 });
Thanks in advance, Matias
If the 299 events always come before the 500 events, SelectMany
and Where
should be enough.
var events; //declared somewhere
var pairs = from e299 in events
where e299.eventid == 299
from e500 in events
where e500.eventid == 500 &&
e299.Correlation == e500.Correlation
select new with {Correlation = e299.Correlation,
First = e299,
Second = e500}
If your source has multiple 500 events for each correlated 299 event, you may need to switch to lambda syntax and add a Take(1)
to the second subscription.