Ok, building off of the last question I asked, How does Mysql handle the where statment in the following code:
id INT
FROM some_table
WHERE id = id;
What does MySQL do in this case? Does it treat the where clause as
some_table.id = id
or does it treat it like
some_table.id = some_table.id
Right now I am doing something like
WHERE id = @id
because I didn't know that there were session variables in MySQL and it didn't complain and I thought that it was an explicit way of saying "where this column equals this variable".
Some might say "duh.. of course it treats it as column = variable" but I could easily have said where "variable = column." So how does it handle this?
MySQL's variable naming schema is a bit weird, when having the first look into it. Generally MySQL differentiates between three types of variables:
So naming conflicts, such as those you mentioned above, only arise within stored programs. Therefore you first should try to avoid these naming conflicts by assigning unambiguous parameter names, e.g. by prefxing the parameters with p
such as pId
. If MySQL encounters an ambiguity it will interpret the reference as the name of a variable (see here):
[...] Local variable names should not be the same as column names. If an SQL statement, such as a
statement, contains a reference to a column and a declared local variable with the same name, MySQL currently interprets the reference as the name of a variable. [...]
The wording currently somehow gives the impression that this behaviour could change in future versions.