I have been reading about model inheritances in django and have found that many are not for it, though I'm not 100% sure why.
So I have a question for all of you who think model inheritances is bad.
I have a case were I have a blog with many sub types of a post model.
for an example lets say post1 is a common post type and post2 is a audio post type. Both post types have a title and date and other common fields, but also have unique fields used just for for their respective use.
First Q: what is the best way to make the models for both Post1 and Post2? Second Q: what is the best way to get a list with all post types in order of date for showing in the blog roll?
--:Edit:-- I don't want this to be a debate if model / db inheritances is good or bad, I just want to find a contrast to what I think can be done. I have seen the debate many times over in the oop world about inheritance vs composition design, I know that I could use inheritance in django but I want to learn how to do it the as a composition design pattern.
Here is a good read for this issue that outlines some of the problems I have found with db inheritance http://ankhos.com/2010/01/15/django-polymorphism-mixins-vs-inheritance-models/
1Q: You need something like polymorphism to save your two types of posts in one blog. I really liked this approach:
Manager-based polymorphic model inheritance
2Q: It's good explained in the doc string.
EDIT: read your edit. It seems like you want to try an other approach.