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Export ExpressionEngine members to WordPress

I need to export all members from an ExpressionEngine site over to WordPress. How would I go about this? It seems like a daunting task to move them all over, including all their password etc. Any ideas on how to get started? It's fine if the users have to reset their password on logging into the new WordPress site if that's the case. I just can't get my head around it all...


  • Here's a query that will give you results which use the column names and formats that you need for your wp_users table. Since the password schemes aren't compatible, you're correct in assuming that users will have to reset their passwords.

    username as user_login,
    username as user_nicename,
    email as user_email,
    url as user_url,
    screen_name as display_name,
    FROM_UNIXTIME(join_date) AS user_registered
    FROM exp_members

    Run that query on your EE database, export the results (via phpMyAdmin or what-have-you), then import that into your Wordpress database.