I am trying to interogate the values of the ICatalogObject object using VBScript. When I look at a COM+ object's properties in COM Services Explorer, I can see properies such as 'Name', 'Description', 'DLL', etc as depicted below). I am assuming (perhaps incorreclty so) that these are exposed via the Value property collection as named properties. My problem is that I am struggling finding a list of what the actual names of these named properties are. You cannot call Value without specifying a property name -- and I am yet to find a concise list of named properties. I have tried to use the names referenced on the captions on the screenshot, but to no avail. Is there a list somewhere of these Named Values, or can I retrieve a collection of Value Names somehow?
I have been able to deterime that the following return values: Deleteable, Description
sample code:
Dim appName
appName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim catalog, apps, app
Set catalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
Set apps = catalog.GetCollection("Applications")
For each app in apps
if app.Name = appName then
if app.Value("DLL") = "C:\temp\MyDll.dll" then
'code to do something -- however I don't know what the named property
'that contains the DLL file location is called.
end if
end if
Image of some of the properties I want -- ie: DLL
I agree -- it's hard to find the documentation. The property you are interested in (DLL) is on the component level and not on the application level. You can find the list of properties for the components here. At the bottom of COMAdminCatalogObject you can find an example for retrieving the components.
A sample would look something like:
Dim appName
appName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Dim catalog, apps, app
Set catalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
Set apps = catalog.GetCollection("Applications")
For each app in apps
if app.Name = appName then
WScript.Echo "Processing Application " & app.Name
Dim Components
Set Components = apps.GetCollection("Components", app.Key)
Dim CompObject
For Each CompObject in Components
Wscript.echo " Component " & CompObject.Name & " is in DLL " & CompObject.Value("DLL")
end if