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Tomcat created directory have different owner and group on server

I have a simple JSP page that creates a directory on centOS server root

 <% File f= new File("/test/testdir");



generated a .WAR file and deployed on server. when i run this code. the created directory testdir have following attributes. it should have tomcat as a owner. tomcat is a user on my server and tomcat is the member of tgroup group.

i need that the directory should have owner as tomcat and group as a tgroup enter image description here


  • Your Tomcat process is running as root (which is not a good thing). Since you already have a separate tomcat user setup, complete the process of always running Tomcat as that user:


    1. Install directory is /opt/tomcat (replace with your value)
    2. Startup script is /etc/init.d/tomcat (modify to reflect your startup script)
        sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat stop
        sudo chown -R tomcat:tgroup /opt/tomcat
        sudo -u tomcat /etc/init.d/tomcat start

    You may choose to hard code the user to run as in your startup script, which would be beneficial if you are setting Tomcat up to run on boot.