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Zend_Navigation - navigation menu generate inappropriate navigation links

i am having problem using Zend_Navigation here is my navigation.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

here is my bootsrapping method.

public function _initNavigation()
    $layout = $this->getResource('layout');
    $view = $layout->getView();
    $config = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH.'/configs/navigation.xml', 'admin');
    $navigation = new Zend_Navigation($config);

and my admin layout admin.phtml contains

<?php echo $this->navigation()->menu(); ?>

the problem is the navigation menu dashboard changes accordingly with the current module/controller/action

for instance.

current page: admin/dashboard/index
generates `<a href="/admin/dashboard">Dashboard</a>`

current page: admin/item/index
generates `<a href="/admin/item">Dashboard</a>`

whereas for second i expect the url not to change. the second method should generate

current page: admin/item/index
generates `<a href="/admin/dashboard">Dashboard</a>`

what is happening?


  • Do you have multiple routes defined? if so, add a <route> key to your <dashboard> section of the navigation.xml file that has the correct route name.