I have a winform program that allows users to upload Shockwave Flash movies to a server. To get the videoDuration I create an instance of the "ShockwaveFlashObjects"-activeX, loads the movie, and then read the videoDuration until it change from "0.0" to anything else. I get that by reading the GetVariable("videoDuration").
Often it works, but sometimes it locks up or show information from the previous Flash movie that was loaded.
I also have had trouble distributing the ShockWaveFlashObject-activeX. I would really like to skip that and just read the flash-file and find out the play length of the movie.
All movies uploaded are videos so they have a specific play length.
This question didnt help with answers eather.
I have checked out the swf-format at wotsit and from what I can see it should be possible to read the framerate and framecount and by that calculate the duration, but I could not find anything about flv-files. Maybe someone allready have done this and can point me to some nice code that saves me plenty of time trying to understand the specification?
One of the possibilities is use ffmpeg to read the video/audio bitrates. Once you have these details you can divide the total file size by the sum of video/audio bitrates. That gives you estimated number of seconds (+/- few socnds).