in my noob mind and proceedings, when i create a category for a class, I create it in a new file
like NSArray+Shuffle.h and .m
but I have noticed that when I create for example a ViewController,
i have in the implementation:
@interface PingusViewController ()
@implementation PingusViewController
So my question is:
what is the
@interface PingusViewController ()
part?, is this for categories? or what use?, and if it is for categories, why use it here and not in some new files?
It's called a Class Extension.
Consider it the conventional location for your class' private declarations.
It's normally declared in the implementation file rather than a header file because the declarations are considered private, and are intended to be visible to the class' @implementation
Categories OTOH, are interfaces which the author typically uses to extend the class' public interface. The declaration is similar -- after all, the Class Extension is just an unnamed category, but the applications are distinct (by convention).