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MySQL: @variable vs. variable. What's the difference?

In another question I posted someone told me that there is a difference between:




in MySQL. He also mentioned how MSSQL has batch scope and MySQL has session scope. Can someone elaborate on this for me?


  • MySQL has a concept of user-defined variables.

    They are loosely typed variables that may be initialized somewhere in a session and keep their value until the session ends.

    They are prepended with an @ sign, like this: @var

    You can initialize this variable with a SET statement or inside a query:

    SET @var = 1
    SELECT @var2 := 2

    When you develop a stored procedure in MySQL, you can pass the input parameters and declare the local variables:

    CREATE PROCEDURE prc_test (var INT)
        DECLARE  var2 INT;
        SET var2 = 1;
        SELECT  var2;

    These variables are not prepended with any prefixes.

    The difference between a procedure variable and a session-specific user-defined variable is that a procedure variable is reinitialized to NULL each time the procedure is called, while the session-specific variable is not:

    CREATE PROCEDURE prc_test ()
        DECLARE var2 INT DEFAULT 1;
        SET var2 = var2 + 1;
        SET @var2 = @var2 + 1;
        SELECT  var2, @var2;
    SET @var2 = 1;
    CALL prc_test();
    var2  @var2
    ---   ---
    2     2
    CALL prc_test();
    var2  @var2
    ---   ---
    2     3
    CALL prc_test();
    var2  @var2
    ---   ---
    2     4

    As you can see, var2 (procedure variable) is reinitialized each time the procedure is called, while @var2 (session-specific variable) is not.

    (In addition to user-defined variables, MySQL also has some predefined "system variables", which may be "global variables" such as @@global.port or "session variables" such as @@session.sql_mode; these "session variables" are unrelated to session-specific user-defined variables.)