Hoping to get a comment from the GAE python team on this one.
Has something changed between 1.6.3, 1.6.4 with regards to the way the dev_appserver datastore is flushed to disk on app exit?
I'm using django-nonrel, and on 1.6.3, and before, I used to be able to load up a python shell: python manage.py shell (manage.py is provided by django-nonrel)
I could then import my models and acceess the datastore, modify entities, and quit.
On 1.6.4, I'm able to do that, but when I quit, changes are not saved to the datastore. When I run django-nonrel as a WSGI app, it saves properly, and I see a message on exit ("Applying all pending transactions and saving the datastore").
Thanks to dragonx for his solution and info. I run my devserver from eclipse, and I was amazed to see my data not beeing saved after upgrading to 1.6.4 I added a flush to the database after every web request, to do that I implemented a base class for all requests and override dispatch:
developmentServer = False
if os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE','').startswith('Development'):
developmentServer = True
class BaseRequestHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def dispatch(self):
retValue = super(BaseRequestHandler, self).dispatch()
if developmentServer:
from google.appengine.tools import dev_appserver
return retValue
informing about a change in behavior like that in the release notes, would have saved me two days of searching what went wrong in my upgrade.