I have acefaces datatable with file names, one on row and I'm trying to add a download button using ice:outputResource, but I fails in sending the filename to outputResourceBean.
My datatable looks like:
<h:form id="exportedFiles">
<ace:dataTable value="#{exportBean.allFiles}" var="upload"
<f:facet name="header" >
<h:outputText value="Název souboru"/>
<h:outputText value="#{upload.name}"/>
<f:facet name="header" >
<h:outputText value="Dowload file"/>
<ice:outputResource id="downLink"
label="Download PDF"
And my bean look like this:
public static final String PDF_NAME = "Download_PDF.pdf";
public static final Resource PDF_RESOURCE = new MyResource(PDF_NAME);
public String getPdfName() { return PDF_NAME; }
public Resource getPdfResource() { return PDF_RESOURCE; }
I can get the filename using #{upload.name} but I have no idea how to send it to bean when clicking the Download button...
Thanks for help in advance!
You can wrap your list containing the files into a ListDataModel
. That allows you to access the data of the current selected row index.
public class ExportBean {
private ListDataModel<MyResource> allFiles;
public ListDataModel<MyResource> getAllFiles() {
if (allFiles == null) {
List<MyResource> files = new ArrayList<MyResource>();
files.add(new MyResource("doc1.pdf"));
files.add(new MyResource("doc2.pdf"));
files.add(new MyResource("doc3.pdf"));
files.add(new MyResource("doc4.pdf"));
files.add(new MyResource("doc5.pdf"));
allFiles = new ListDataModel<MyResource>(files);
return allFiles;
public String getPdfName() {
// add the getResourceName method to MyResource
return allFiles.getRowData().getResourceName();
public Resource getPdfResource() {
return allFiles.getRowData();
And the xhtml page would look like this:
<h:form id="exportedFiles">
<ace:dataTable value="#{exportBean.allFiles}">
<h:outputText value="#{exportBean.pdfName}" />
<ice:outputResource resource="#{exportBean.pdfResource}" attachment="true" label="Download PDF" type="button" />