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Zend DB Framework examine query for an update

So you can use something like this:

$query = $db->select();
$query->from('pages', array('url'));
echo $query->__toString();

to examine the sql that the Zend Db Framework is going to use for that SELECT query. Is there an equivilent way to view the SQL for an update?

$data = array(
   'content'      => stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($content))
$n = $db->update('pages', $data, "url = '".$content."'");


  • Use Zend_Db_Profiler to capture and report SQL statements:

    $db->update( ... );
    print $db->getProfiler()->getLastQueryProfile()->getQuery();

    Remember to turn the profiler off if you don't need it! I talked to one fellow who thought he had a memory leak, but it was the profiler instantiating a few PHP objects for each of the millions of SQL queries he was running.

    PS: You should use quoteInto() in that query:

    $n = $db->update('pages', $data, $db->quoteInto("url = ?", $content));