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TDSE.GetObject doesn't resolve a WebDAV URL with dots in it

Anyone experienced exception using below function?

tdse.GetObject(tmpFolderWebDavURL, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null,
                                          XMLReadFilter.XMLReadAll) as Folder;

Seems if the last segment of webdav contains a dot then the method throws and exception.

for example

tmpFolderWebDavURL = "/webdav/test_publication/2.2 folder name" - fails exception thrown

tmpFolderWebDavURL = "/webdav/test_publication/22 folder name" - works

tmpFolderWebDavURL = "/webdav/test_publication/2.2 folder name/sub_folder" - works


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tcm:Error xmlns:tcm="" ErrorCode="80040200" Category="4" Source="Kernel" Severity="2">
    <tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040200" Cause="false" MessageID="15301">
        <![CDATA[Unable to get TOM object for URI: /webdav/TPMG Medical Library Content/Building Blocks/Content Live/2.2 People Lists]]>
        <tcm:Token>/webdav/TPMG Medical Library Content/Building Blocks/Content Live/2.2 People Lists</tcm:Token>
    <tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040200" Cause="true" MessageID="15748">
        <![CDATA[Unable to map all paths to URIs.]]>


  • Just like with spaces, dots must be escaped in webdav URLs.

    So a space becomes "%20", a dot becomes "%2E". Try doing tmpFolderWebDavURL.Replace(".", "%2E").